full cases from RocketBlocks

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Welcome to our consulting case library featuring full interview questions for you to practice. While targeted drills are the most effective way to build the foundational skills tested during consulting interviews, full cases are a great way to “tie it all together” and practice your transitions between sections. Explore our self paced cases, peer practice PDFs, and Expert mock videos to enhance your problem-solving, analytical, and brainstorming abilities.

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✍️ Self paced case: Are designed to be completed on your own. We'll step you through a multiple sections of a case which will test you on structured problem solving, analytics, brainstorming, and synthesis. Once you've completed the case, we'll share answers from our Experts as well as top answers from RocketBlocks users of the past.

📄 Peer practice PDF: Are designed to be completed with a peer, either in person with your classmates or friends, or via our peer marketplace (subscription required for access). We publish a new peer practice case every week, and are always open to suggestions for the kinds of cases that would be most helpful to you. Email us at support@rocketblocks.me if there's a particular industry or case style you are hoping to practice.

🎥 Expert mock video: If you're new, watch a few cases to understand what good responses look like, similar to watching a basketball game to grasp the basics. Then, compare your responses to Expert video responses available for many of our practice cases. Where possible, we recommend trying the cases on your own or with a friend before watching the Expert responses.

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